Become a Public Health Protection Volunteer 0 (0)

The disproportionate needs created by the Covid-19 pandemic and this unprecedented situation make it necessary in every way to strengthen the national health system. Thus, in addition to the assistance to medical and nursing staff as well as equipment, it was deemed necessary to provide health services to the health structures of our country by volunteers.

Activation of a 5-digit number with simultaneous storage and sharing of data in real time (cloud technology) – Municipality of Ag. Dimitrios 0 (0)

The citizen line 15371 was activated during the pandemic period and the restrictive measures imposed, to service vulnerable groups in the the Municipality of Agios Dimitrios. The requests are recorded in a cloud file for immediate use by the organisations’s employees (mainly social services).

Providing food and medical assistance at home to people in need – Municipality of Trikala 0 (0)

Distribution of food and medical assistance to the beneficiaries at home (TEVA Program) every 30-40 days. By implementing an organized door-to-door distribution system for food and personal hygiene stuff for the beneficiaries of the program, after a telephone appointment, it is achieved to avoid unnecessary commuting of citizens and interaction in the distribution areas of products thus avoiding the spread of covid-19 in the community.

Help at home 0 (0)

During the current period of dealing with the coVID-19 crisis, the need for care and support of the most vulnerable groups of citizens (the poor, the elderly, the disabled, etc.) has become even more apparent. In this context, it was deemed necessary to strengthen the existing organizational structure “Help at Home” in the country’s municipalities, which can, directly and effectively, contribute to the provision of a variety of services to citizens, especially the weakest, and to cover their increased needs.

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