Protection network for the service of the citizens of the municipality of Agioi Anargyroi-Kamatero

Description of innovation

Increased social care needs as well as the need to prevent the spread of covid-19 have contributed to the creation of an unprecedented and extensive network of protection in the city, involving volunteers from the church, the school community and ordinary citizens. The network of volunteers contributed to the service of the citizens in their daily needs (such as bank escort, shopping, food distribution, etc.). In addition, the Social Service welcomes the requests of all citizens and is at the forefront of their fullfilment. Every day, with the help of volunteers, workers transport basic necessities and medical care products, making it easier for citizens to stay at home. In particular, the Social Service of the Municipality, continues and expands its activities to vulnerable groups of the population, offering:
• Daily meals at home for people with financial difficulties or difficulty in moving.
• Medical care to those who are not self-sufficient.
• Home Help Services for the financially weak and lonely citizens facing health problems.
• Continuous communication, recording and serving basic needs of lonely, elderly members of KAPI.
The action was implemented at the lowest possible employment and material cost and had the maximum benefit for the citizens.



Serving citizens in need as well as preventing spread of covid-19. The greatest benefit was their contribution to the distribution of 1000 servings of food to vulnerable groups during the festive days of Easter within a short period of time (3-4 hours) through the organization and operation of individual food distribution areas and home visits.



The Social Policy Directorate of the Municipality collaborated with the other municipal services, the Police, the Church, the Primary Education Schools, the Parents 'and Guardians' Associations of the Primary Schools, the Municipal Councelors of the city and volunteering citizens.


Maintaining and integrating innovation after the COVID-19 crisis

The philosophy of this action can be integrated in other actions of the Municipality but also in other services because it promotes cross-sectoral cooperation in the city and strengthens social solidarity and the feeling of contribution to a common goal. The action can be implemented in similar cases that require immediate action in a short period of time, such as the distribution of food to a large number of citizens.


Agency: Municipality of Agioi Anargyroi-Kamatero

Scope:Local government

Policy sector: Social Welfare

Addressing issue: Serving weak groups of citizens concerning their daily needs (escort, home help, medicine, etc.)

Year: 2020

Innovation Type: Social Innovation - serving citizens for social reasons

Beneficiaries: Weak population groups Vulnerable social groups, people who cannot or should not leave the house

Innovation Stage: Implementation



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