Innovation and Best Practices

Public Sector Innovation Definition and Characteristics - Υπουργείο Εσωτερικών - Τμήμα Καινοτομίας και Βέλτιστων Πρακτικών

Public Sector Innovation Definition and Characteristics - Υπουργείο Εσωτερικών - Τμήμα Καινοτομίας και Βέλτιστων Πρακτικών

Before submitting the innovation, read about the public sector innovation definition as well as  its characteristics.

Accroding to OECD,

"Public sector innovation is a new or significantly altered process or approach that is novel, that has been implemented in some form, and that is intended to deliver better public outcomes by achieving increased efficiency, effectiveness, and citizen, user or employee satisfaction" (Definition of Terms)

and has the following characteristics:

The public sector is fully involved in the innovation

  • A public organization initiates innovation and plays a leading role in its design, development or implementation, or a public sector organization is an integral partner in innovation, although initiated or guided by an external body (eg civil society, NGOs) etc).
  • The public organization is responsible for and / or in some way affected by the results of the innovation.

Innovation is new

Innovation is new and novel to the public organization where it is implemented, even if other public organizations have done the same.

Innovation is in the process of implementation

Innovation is at a stage where it is beginning to reach its users or beneficiaries (even if it is only in the form of a pilot study or trial). Consequently, plans / strategies / intentions for innovation in the future are not defined as innovation unless they have been implemented in some way.

Innovation has / can have a public impact

Innovation has a public impact or is at such a stage that there is some quantitative or qualitative data on the public impact (even preliminary or based on initial estimates, as long as it is indicated how the results will be measured at a later stage).

The impact of innovation relates to:

  • Efficiency - Improving inputs - output.
  • Effectiveness - improving the achievement of these objectives
  • Quality of service in terms of:
    - Accessibility - improving the ease of access to a service. These can be related to: cost, distance, number of service providers, complexity and availability of a service.
    - Response - that is, the ability to respond to different needs or opinions of users.
    - Reliability - that is, the accuracy and consistency of a service.
    - User Satisfaction - a recorded improvement in user satisfaction.