Innovation and Best Practices

Innovation Workshops in the public sector - Υπουργείο Εσωτερικών - Τμήμα Καινοτομίας και Βέλτιστων Πρακτικών

Innovation is a goal and characteristic of flexible organizations and relies heavily on the abilities and skills of staff to grow and then grow.

In order to be able to spread innovation in Greek public administration we aim at developing innovation skills of human resources through innovation workshops.

The workshops are targeted at senior and mid-level executives (department heads, departments or relevant level) who are responsible for managing critical functions, planning and decision making.

Workshops are divided into four themes:

Innovation and good practice exchange workshops

Learning and exchange innovation workshops in public administration with the aim of transferring them from one public organization to another.

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Innovation skills development workshops

They aim at developing general innovation skills, such as transforming a new idea into projects, piloting and testing, innovation leadership and management, implementing new ways of working, developing analytical thinking and so on.

Innovation toolkit workshops

They aim at collaboratively developing proposals and solutions to common challenges, promoting open innovation, co-designing tools and analyzing studies. These include experts from the private and academic fields who work with public administration executives.

Innovation exploration workshops

They aim to self-assess the public organizations on how they manage innovation and to seek improvements based on the 4-Facet Model of Innovation as developed by the OECD Public Sector Innovation Observatory (OPSI). It is the starting point for organizations to create a common language and understanding of the role and purpose of innovation in their work and their work.

Workshops that have been completed: