One of the main functions of the Public Sector Innovation Observatory of the Ministry of the Interior is to monitor and analyze data on the characteristics, patterns and trends of innovations designed and developed by public organizations in Greece. The process of posting innovations in the Public Sector Innovation Repository provides for the use of the “Guide for submitting innovations” which provides valuable information for understanding innovation in a public organization and drawing conclusions through the combined qualitative and quantitative analysis of data for innovation of public organizations.

In the Department of Innovation and Best Practices we use BI and meta-analysis tools in order to generate sufficient knowledge about innovation, which is required to support decision-making in the design of projects and actions for innovation policy.

At the beginning of each year, the Innovation and Best Practices Department analyzes the data of the innovations that have been posted as a whole in the Innovation Repository compared to the previous year and focuses on the search for findings that generate information of a qualitative nature. The findings of the Innovation Repository research are captured in the Public Sector Innovation Observatory Report.

In March 2022, the report of the Public Sector Innovation Observatory entitled "Mapping and challenges of innovation in the Greek public administration" was published. The report includes:

  • descriptive mapping of posted innovations based on quantitative indicators,
  • evaluation of the innovation process implemented by public organizations for the development of innovations and
  • identification of trends and innovation orientation of public organizations.

The purpose of the report is to highlight issues for the innovation environment based on the real data in the research, which are innovations as practices, which have been implemented by public organizations. The main conclusions of the report concern:

  • the emergence of issues for the innovation capacity of public organizations and
  • the identification of obstacles or opportunities for innovation by public organizations.

The report is evaluated in combination with the findings of other tools such as the Innovation Barometer in order to assess the innovation capacity at the level of public administration.

You can download the Public Sector Innovation Observatory report.

Έκθεση Παρατηρητηρίου Καινοτομίας Δημοσίου Τομέα ΤΚΒΠ