Written by Christina Hazaki, Public Organizations Innovation Analyst, 5 February 2020
The 1stPublic Services Innovation Survey, an initiative of the Ministry of the Interior, is launched in the context of promoting innovation in public administration.
The survey is aimed at senior government officials at the following link: https://innovation.gov.gr/intropsisurvey/
Searching for data from public administration officials is part of the Ministry's planning to diagnose the current situation and identify appropriate support actions for civil servants in order to acquire the appropriate skills, tools and knowledge that will enable them to introduce key principles in their day-to-day work and implement them in the framework of the cooperation of the Ministry of the Interior with corresponding Ministries, public services and organizations of the Member States and the OECD, which is dedicated to promoting innovation in the public sector.
The scope of the survey
The survey aims to collect data for:
- measuring the perception and reflection of the meaning, purpose and utility that Greek public administration executives attribute to innovation,
- diagnosing the innovation capacity of public organizations,
- identifying factors that enhance or hinder innovation in public organizations,
- outlining the processes and practices followed by public organizations to innovate, the resources available for innovation and the results of the actions concerned; and
- the recording of data on the future needs of public organizations and ways of enhancing their innovation capacity by the Ministry of Interior
Next steps
The research process, the results and then the conclusions, are expected to contribute to the development of a public sector innovation handbook, which is being designed at national and international level in collaboration with the Joint Research Center -JRC) of the European Commission, the OECD, the Danish National Innovation Center and others.
Read here the new Ministry of Interior circular on promoting public administration innovation:https://innovation.gov.gr/innovationcat/promotinginnovation/