On 11 May 2021 (14: 00-17: 00 CET), the OPSI OECD, in collaboration with the Government of Austria, will hold an online innovation workshop, according to the model of 4 aspects, on the subject of "improvement-oriented" innovation. This workshop is part of a series of workshops developed by the OECD and part of a Horizon 2020 program, which is supported by the Ministry of Interior with the participation of the Department of Innovation and Best Practices.

Which are the 4 aspects of innovation?

Every public organization aims to serve the citizen directly or indirectly and in the context of its operation, it changes and innovates, whether consciously or not.

These changes and innovations have different views, goals, and aspects and require different approaches. It is important for public organizations to think each time about why they are innovating and whether they are using the necessary approaches to achieve their goals.

The OECD has created a model for this purpose, recognizing 4 aspects of innovation, as an approach to managing innovation portfolios.

The 4 aspects of innovation are:

  1. Improvement-oriented innovation
  2. Goal-oriented innovation
  3. Adaptive innovation
  4. Preventive innovation

You can see more about the 4 aspects of innovation here:


What we will learn in the workshop

In the workshop, participants will delve into one of 4 aspects of the model, innovation that is improvement-oriented and aims at the best performance of the public organization. Innovation projects that fall into this aspect optimize the way a public organization works through digitization, behavioral techniques, or other improvements. To design projects, we start with the question "How can we do best what we already do?"

The workshop is oriented towards executives of the innovation community, who are involved in finding ways to improve the productivity and efficiency of public administration, the analysis or evaluation of projects of this nature, or are working on these issues actively in their institution.

The workshop will include presentations, case studies, and group work. The executives of the Greek innovation community will have the opportunity to network and share experiences with the international community.

The Innovation Department participates and coordinates the participation of Greek institutions

The General Secretariat of Human Resources of the Ministry of Interior and more specifically the Department of Innovation and Best Practices of the Strategic Planning and Innovation Department, with the mission of promoting innovation policy in the Greek public administration, actively participates in international advancements and initiatives and develops useful tools and practices to help Greek public organizations promote innovation.

In this context, the Innovation Department develops the Innovation Development model, a tool that consists of 6 steps and includes manuals with methodologies, examples, and tools that can be used by innovation executives to develop innovation in their organization. The development of the 4 aspects of innovation is included in the first step of the Guide, which concerns the exploration of an organization's innovation portfolio.

You can find more about the Innovation Development Guide here:


In addition, the Innovation Department created and coordinates the Greek Innovation Network for Public Administration, aiming to disseminate innovation and create a communication framework between institutions. The members of the Network have access to events and innovation workshops organized by the Innovation Department as well as international organizations, such as this workshop.