
Interactive one-day workshops, which present good practices of Greek public administration, exchange of experiences and knowledge, as well as ways to extend these practices to other public bodies.


Objective of the workshops

Because at the international level, collective intelligence is the driving force for change and improvement, the purpose of the workshop is to learn and exchange good practices for their transfer from one public organization to another.


The workshops aim at collaborating with executives from different public organizations in common areas of interest and developing relevant innovation skills which they will use in their organization. In addition, it is a place of exchange of ideas, experiences, discussions and networking.



The workshops are targeted at senior and mid-level executives (department heads, departments or analogues) who are responsible for designing projects according to the subject / theme of the workshop's innovation.


After the workshops the participants will be able to:

  • Design innovative solutions for their organization based on existing good practices
  • Get acquainted with modern techniques, methodologies and tools for developing ideas and designing solutions
  • Easily manage obstacles and difficulties based on previous experiences of other players
  • have the support of the Department of Innovation and Best Practices in developing further know-how
  • Collaborate with other public organizations on common challenges and interests



In the workshops participants will learn:

  • What is innovation in public administration
  • What is included in the OECD Innovation Declaration by the Department of Innovation of the OECD
  • Good practices implemented in the Greek public sector
  • Helpful tips from people who have implemented good practices
  • How they can 'copy' good practice into their organization
  • How to design good practice at an early stage
  • Modern working and collaboration methods / Getting to know platform as a tool for upgrading their work


Workshops format

The workshops are experiential. They include presentations, working in pairs and groups and open discussion.



The workshops present and apply modern tools and methodologies to promote innovation, such as the Innovation Guide.


Workshop facilitators

The workshops will be designed and coordinated by executives from the Unit of Innovation.